
Ashley A.

Certified Peer Supporter

Accepting New Connections

Hi I'm Ashley. Its so important to feel supported & listened to in a judgement free environment. I'm here to listen.

Willing to help others find local resources

About Ashley Anderson


I have worked as peer specialist in NYC periodically since 2015. I've run many groups such as a coping with anxiety and depression ,chair yoga, advocacy skills, budgeting on a fixed income, medidation for anxiety and depression . Lifeskills for after hopitlization. Currently I am working as an outreach coordinator. When I am not working I volunteer with the Red Coss, run a book club and cook food along with youtube video recipies.


My Recovery Story

I was diagnosed with PTSD and depression in 2010. I found support through peers,suportive housing and psychosocial clubhouses for people with mental illness. Since then I have found stable employment since (2015), developed quality friendships and became a peer worker to help others. In addition I am a health coach and a personal trainer wich were long standing personal goals.

My Motivation To Help

peer support was an integral part of my own health and recovery. It taught me about advocacy and the 8 dimensions of wellness. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to use my lived exsperience to help someone else acheive their vision of recovery.

My Chatrooms