
View our chatrooms and to be a part of our community.

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Depression Support Chat

Moderated by Vanessa Williams, a HeyPeers Group Leader.This group is for all who cope with depression.. There is a weekly meeting covering many topics related to achieving wellness with depression. Chat is supplemental to the group meetings and for anyone interested in recovery for depression.

Members: 2770

Supporting a Partner with Mood Disorders

Support chat for individuals who live with or support a loved one living with Mood Disorders

Members: 198

Support for Friends and Family members of those with mental Illness

After Facilitating groups for friends and family for over a year. I see the need for a safe place for friends and family members to get help and be in a community

Members: 26

Codependency Peer Support with Adam

This chat is open to any and all who are looking for information, encouragement and support for codependency issues.

Members: 126

Grief and Loss

This group is open to anyone who has or is experiencing grief: death of loved one, death of pet, loss of job or relationship and any other type of loss or issue you may be grieving.

Members: 1340

New Members - Connect with Our Staff

This chat group is monitored by our Customer Care Team. We would be very pleased to offer you a personal welcome and answer any questions you may have.

Members: 1537

Bipolar Support Chat

Moderated by Rosemary Weaver, a HeyPeers Group Leader. This group is for all who cope with bipolar or mood disorders. There is a weekly meeting covering many topics related to achieving wellness with bipolar disorder. Chat is supplemental to the group meetings and for anyone interested in recovery for Bipolar Disorder.

Members: 2257

Anxiety Support Group - LGBT

Designed for members interested in Anxiety Support Groups specific to the queer community.

Members: 588

Get It Done When You're Depressed (GIDWYD)

This chat is for anyone interested in Get It Done When You’re Depressed: 50 Strategies for Keeping Your Life on Track By Julie A. Fast and John D. Preston, and working through the book in our weekly meetings hosted by Diana and Chance.

Members: 1314

Let's Talk Recovery

Open chat for anyone with questions about their recovery journey. Share something that happened to improve your recovery or share your struggles, and we will work together to help you find your solution. We are a no judgement chat.

Members: 19

Anxiety Support Chat Room (ASCR)

Moderated by Tim Long, a HeyPeers Group Leader. This group is for anyone struggling with anxiety disorders: phobias, social anxiety, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, panic attacks, excessive worry or any other issues with anxiety.All peers and peer supporters are welcome to join. We have a no solicitation/no promotion policy for peer supporters.

Members: 3804

Art Heals

Share your art-poetry, paintings, music, etc. How does art help you?

Members: 549

Mood Imbalances

Welcome to the chat for Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, Depression and general wellness added by the challenges of mental illnesses. We speak your language 😁... Welcome!

Members: 205

Astrological/Spiritual healing

Welcome to our support group dedicated to exploring mindfulness tools such as astrology and tarot in the journey of recovery. As someone who has been on the path of opioid addiction recovery for five years, I understand the importance of seeking alternative methods to traditional approaches.

Members: 12

PTSD: sharing and support

This chat is for people who experience symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Panic attacks, hypervigilance, night terrors/nightmares, insomnia, guilt, shame, anger outburst, substance abuse, safety behaviors, severe anxiety, trouble concentrating, inability to maintain relationships, isolation, social anxiety.

Members: 723

Empathy and Encouragement Exchange

The Empathy and Encouragement Exchange is an accepting and compassionate chat room designed to offer peer support and foster community among individuals navigating life's challenges. Serving as a virtual space for sharing updates and progress on personal journeys to wellness, our chat room is a beacon of empowerment, as well as cultivating hope, strength and understanding. Members are encouraged to express themselves openly, offer encouragement, and celebrate each other's milestones as well as hold space for those going through challenges and adversity, creating a supportive network that champions resilience and growth. Join in to connect with like-minded individuals, gain inspiration, and experience the transformative power of collective compassion on the path to mental well-being.

Members: 25

Small Habits for Big Change

A place to talk about simple things we can do today to make our lives better tomorrow. Monitored Thu-Mon 3:00-4:00pm Pacific.

Members: 112

Rise and Thrive

I would like to bring some general positivity to each and everyone's lives. Let us share positive experiences and affirmations.

Members: 93

Showing 18 of 18 public chatrooms